The most powerful aerial package ever developed, period! This amazing piece of tech has a small footprint and crew all while carrying a 8K Full Frame camera with RAW and ProRes outputs. Our most requested package for productions big and small alike with the ability to fly in tight areas and closer to talent. 22min flight times, HD downlink for live broadcast, ability to pull focus for closer shots and 5 primes to choose from.

  • 8K Full Frame Sensor Capable of 120FPS with Dual Native ISO and 14+ Stops of Dynamic Range
  • CinemaDNG, ProRes RAW + ProRes 422HQ
  • Interchangeable Lenses – 18,24,35,50MM (F 2.8) + 75 (F 1.8)
  • Approx. 20min flight time.
  • Max Speed of 55 mph.
  • 1080P 60p HD + 4K 30p wireless video, ideal for live broadcasting.
  • X9 Camera Specs


A more economic alternative, that still produces an amazing image. Not to be underestimated, this drone is quick, nimble and carries a 6K Super 35 camera.

  • 6K Super 35 Sensor Capable of 120FPS with Dual Native ISO and 14+ Stops of Dynamic Range
  • CinemaDNG, ProRes RAW + ProRes 422
  • Interchangeable Lenses – 9,26,24,35,50MM (F 2.8) 
  • Approx. 20min flight time.
  • Max Speed of 45MPH.
  • 1080P 60p HD  wireless video, ideal for live broadcasting.

DJI Mavic 3 Cine

Good things come in small packages and the Mavic 3 Cine does not disappoint with a 5K camera and ProRes outputs. This drone is best suited when you need the most bang for your buck or shoots that require a less obtrusive presence or less noise.


  • 24MM , 70MM Fixed Lenses
  • 5.1K / 4K  ProRes 422 video up to 120FPS
  • 35 minute flight time
  • 20 MP DNG RAW Photos
  • Max Speed of 47MPH
  • 1080P 60p HD wireless video, ideal for live broadcasting.


Freefly sets the standard for flying light weight cinema cameras while allowing for unique “Sky View” shots. This rig gives production the most creative control. We fly the RED and Alexa Mini on a Movi Pro with full lens control.

  • Up to 12lbs of camera payload
  • Full Focus, Iris and Zoom Control via Heden Motors.
  • HD Downlink
  • 8-10min flight times.
  • We provide generators, batteries and chargers for continuous operation.


Sky View

Using the Alta 8 expands creative control by allowing the camera to look forward and up unobstructed by the drone offering a unique perspective that is exclusive to only the Alta.

Movi Pro

The Movi Pro is the go-to gimbal for professionals allowing up to 15lbs of camera gear. Once the camera package is built, changing lenses takes only a few minutes. The Movi has hot swappable batteries to reduce downtime, integrated power supplies for camera packages and Heden lens motors.

Movi Controller

The Movi controller provides a latency free video link as well as full camera and lens control while airborne. The camera operator has full unobstructed control of the camera positioning. A seperate remote is available for DIT, First A/C to control the lens settings and focus.

FPV Racers

FPV is an immersive flight experience that brings a lot of energy to the viewer, fast speeds and fitting through tight spaces. DJI FPV has a quick setup time and requires only 1 pilot. 

  • 4k 20MP Camera with 1″ Sensor
  • Attach GoPro, Insta 360 or use the integrated 4k camera.
  • 80MPH  Speed
  • 10min Flight Times


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